Исполнитель: Aca Lukas

Композиция: By pass

Taj, mali crni vrag
That, little black devil
Sto je u mene usao
That has come into me
Po mom telu lomi haos pravi
It's destroyng my body, spawning chaos
Cini se o glavi radi mi
It seems it's plotting against my life

Ti si mi ga, slutim, poslala
You have sent it to me, i guess
Da bi meni dusu uzela
To take my spirit
Moju propast da bi videla
To see my suffering

Gorim, znojim se
I'm burning, I'm sweating
Za svoj zivot bojim se
I fear for my life
Puls mi pipaju
They're inspecting my pulse
Gde me boli pitaju
They ask me where it hurts
I traze, traze, zariste traze
And they're seeking, seeking, seeking the source
Mali vraze zeno moja
Little devil, my wife

Hoce sad da lece me
They want to heal me now
A ja kazem necu, ne
I say no i don't want to, no
Kad mi kucne zadnji cas
When my last hour ticks
Ti ces biti moj By Pass
You'll be my By Pass

Ta, mala azdaja
That little beast
Sto mi je u snove banula
That has gotten into my dreams
Da je zena predugo je krila
She has hidden that she's a woman for so long
Zivog me je ona spalila
She has burned me alive

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