There's a knocked out joint between Jackson and Nashville
Everybody has a big time and nobody's ever bashful
If you feel the old urge and your feet wanna fuction
Go to this place they call Country Junction
If your hands, feet, legs wanna function
Go to the place they call Country Junction
There's a jukebox, records, and each cost a nickel
There's some fast ones and the slow ones if your tastes are fickle
There's a square dance caller and a little cakewalk
And there's a couple in the corner just a-huggin' and a-talkin'
If your hands, feet, legs wanna function
Go to the place they call Country Junction
At this place called Country Junction I've heard it said
That you can red ham and a pone or cornbread
A little dab of soft gravy and that ain't all
They bring you biscuits in a bucket, you can have a ball
If your hands, feet, legs wanna function
Go to the place they call Country Junction
So, that just about does it, that's the end of my song
At this place called Country Junction nothing ever goes wrong
Take a Tennessee apйritif if your feelin' blue
Go to Country Junction, it's the place for you
If your hands, feet, legs wanna function
Go to the place they call Country Junction
Go to the place they call Country Junction
(Ain't that groundhog fat!)
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