Jest w oczach Twych kolor nieba z moich stron,
Jest usmiech dnia, cienie lisci, ktore drza.
Jest w glosie Twym echo naszych slow sprzed lat,
Sa szepty traw, ktore gial letni wiatr.
Wiec zabierz mnie do tamtych miejsc,
Gdzie pedzil wiatr w rytm naszych serc,
A kazda z chwil chcial oddac nam -
Te dla mnie, dla Ciebie, te dla mnie, dla Ciebie.
Wiec zabierz mnie pod tamten dach,
Gdzie pachnie chleb, gdzie cisza gra,
A kazda z nut brzmi tylko nam -
Ta dla mnie, dla Ciebie, ta dla mnie, dla Ciebie nam.
Jest w dloni mej miejsce na Twa mala dlon,
Jak zamknac mam nasze zycie w klatce rak.
Jest w myslach mych miejsce wspomnien, ktore znasz,
Bo czesto tak goscisz w nim, czesto tak.
Àíãëèéñêàÿ âåðñèÿ:
In your eyes there‘s the color of the sky of my land
There‘s the smile of the day, the shadows of the foliage that‘s trembling
In your voice there‘s the echo of our words from long ago
There‘s the whispering of the grass that was bent by the summer wind
So take me away to those places
Where time was flying in the rhythm of our hearts
But it wanted to give us each one of those moments -
That one to me, to you, that one to me, to you
So take me away beneath that roof
Where the bread is smelling, where the silence is playing
And each note is sounding only for us
That one to me, to you, that one to me, to you, to us
There‘s in my hand a place for your little hand
How shall I close our lives in the cage of the hands?
There‘s in my thoughts a place for memories that you know
Because you‘re staying there so often, so often
So take me away to those places
Where time was flying in the rhythm of our hearts
But it wanted to give us each one of those moments -
That one to me, to you, that one to me, to you
So take me away beneath that roof
Where the bread is smelling, where the silence is playing
And each note is sounding only for us
That one to me, to you, that one to me, to you, to us
Ññûëêà íà ìèíóñîâêó: