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Минусовка Blu


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 10.12 Mb 4:25

Текст песни Blu (Zucchero):

No petrol in the car 
No pennies in the jar 
How did we get this far, baby. 
No moon in the sky 
No roof to keep us dry 
Looks like rain tonight.  
I got a sinking feeling 
Coming over me
I got a sinking feeling
I tried to paint a picture 
A picture through the clouds for you.  

Green Your smiling eyes 
Red 'Cause I made you cry 
Grey These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be  
Blue Stay love 
Stay tonight 
These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be blue  

No caffeine in the coffee 
No sugar in my tea 
Just watching the TV 
With the sound down 
No radio on 
No tune to the song 
And the words are wrong.  
Your fingers tapping 
To the rhythm of the rain 
Your fingers I tried to paint a picture 
A picture through the clouds for you.  

Green Your smiling eyes 
Red 'Cause I made you cry 
Grey These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be  Blue 
Stay love 
Stay tonight 
These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be blue  

I got a sinking feeling 
Coming over me 
I got a sinking feeling 
I tried to paint a picture 
A picture through the clouds for you.  

Green Your smiling eyes 
Red 'Cause I made you cry 
Grey These rainy skies
Tomorrow will be  Blue 
Stay love 
Stay tonight 
These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be blue  
Oh child Don't say goodbye 
These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be Blue  
Stay love 
Stay tonight 
These rainy skies 
Tomorrow will be Blue

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