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Минусовка Seven Spanish Angels

Willie Nelson

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.53 Mb 4:01

Текст песни Seven Spanish Angels (Willie Nelson):

He looked down into her blue eyes, and said
"Say a prayer for me". She
Threw her arms around him, whispered
"God will keep us free"
They could hear the riders comin', He said
"This is my last fight If they
Take me back to Texas
They won't take me back a-live

There were seven Spanish angels
At the altar of the sun
They were prayin' for the lovers
In the valley of the gun
When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne
And seven spanish angels, took another
Angel home
She reached down and picked the gun up
That lay smokin in his hand
She said, "Father please forgive me
I can't make it without my man."
And she knew the gun was empty
And she knew she couldn't win
But her final prayer was answered
When the rifles fired again

There were seven Spanish angels
At the altar of the sun
They were prayin' for the lovers
In the valley of the gun
When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne
And seven spanish angels, took another
Angel home

There were seven Spanish angels
At the altar of the sun
They were prayin' for the lovers
In the valley of the gun
When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne
And seven spanish angels, took another
Angel home

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