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Минусовка A Good Hearted Woman 3

Willie Nelson

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.18 Mb 3:28

Текст песни A Good Hearted Woman 3 (Willie Nelson):

A long time forgotten
are dreams that just felt by the way.
And the good life he promised
ain’t what she’s living to day.
But she never complains of
the bad times or bad things he’s done
She’s just talks about the good times
they’ve had and all the good times to come.

She’s a good hearted woman
in love with a good timin’ man.
She loves him in spite of his ways
that she don’t understand.
Through teardrops and laughter

they’ll pass though his world hand in hand.
A good hearted woman
lovin’ her good timin’ man.

He likes the night life

the brightlights and good timin’ friends.
when the party’s all over
she welcome him back home again.
Lord knows she don’t understand him
but she does the best that she can.
’Cause she’s a good hearted woman
she loves her good timin’ man.

She’s a good hearted woman ...

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