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Минусовка Guilty

Warren Brothers

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.02 Mb 4:23

Текст песни Guilty (Warren Brothers):

I told you when we first met
I don't want nothin' serious
And you said I understand
No commitment that's for sure
I always need that open door
Cause that's just the way I am

Now you say I can't make it babe without you
Is that how you see it
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And if you go I won't know how to forget about you
Is that how you believe it to be true
If you're accusing me of needing your sweet touch
Acussing me of loving you too much
Yeah, yeah, I'm guilty

And I never thought there'd be someone
Who could ever do what you've done
Oh baby how'd you do it
You broke the walls around
This heart you turned upside down
Like there was nothing to it

Now you say I can't make it babe without you
Is that how you see it
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And if you go I won't know how to forget about you
Is that how you believe it to be true
If you're accusing me of needing your sweet touch
Acussing me of loving you too much
Yeah, yeah, I'm guilty

If you're accusing me of needing your sweet touch
Accusing me of loving you too much

Now you say I can't make it babe without you
And if you go I won't know how to forget about you
You say my arms need to be around you
And you say I never knew love 'til I found you
Oh baby, I'm guilty
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm guilty
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Baby, baby I'm guilty

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