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Минусовка Earth Dies Screaming The 2

UB 40

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.42 Mb 4:49

Текст песни Earth Dies Screaming The 2 (UB 40):

A warm dry wind is all that breaks the silence
The highways quiet scars across the land
People lie, eyes closed, no longer dreaming
The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Your country needs you, lets strike up the band
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Despite all odds we must defend our land
Like scattered pebbles, cars lie silent waiting
Oil less engines seized by dirt and sand
Bodies hanging limp, no longer bleeding
The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Your country needs you, lets strike up the band
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Despite all odds we must defend our land

Half eaten meals lie rotting on the tables
Money clutched within a bony hand
Shutters down, the banks are not receiving
The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Your country needs you, lets strike up the band
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
The earth dies screaming (The earth dies screaming)
Despite all odds we must defend our land

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