Bay Parkway wonder You're such a success
Your pretty secretary, ha She say you are the best
Your face always smiling say you sure paid your dues
But I know inside You've got the Bensonhurst blues
Those custom-made ciggies that you offer to me pretend
and pretend to care about my family
And those pictures on your desk All them lies that you abuse
Do they know you suffer from the Bensonhurst blues
Your grandmother's accent still embarrasses you
You're even ashamed of the French you once knew
You're part of the chance now They break you making the news
But I know inside you've got the Bensonhurst blues
But thanks for the lesson Cause the life that I choose
won't make me feel like living with the Bensonhurst blues
And don't, don't try to write me
And don't bother to call
Cause I'll be in conference
Merry Christmas you all
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