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Минусовка Not Gonna Get Us


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.97 Mb 4:20

Текст песни Not Gonna Get Us (Тату):

Not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

Starting from here, let‘s make a promise
You and me, let‘s just be honest
We‘re gonna run, nothing can stop us
Even the night that falls all around us

Soon there will be laughter and voices
Beyond the clouds over the mountains
We‘ll run away on roads that are empty
Lights from the airfield shining upon you

Nothing can stop this, noy now I love you
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
Nothing can stop this, noy now I love you
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us

Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

We‘ll run away, keep everything simple
Night will come down, our guardian angel
We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise, they‘re not gonna get us

My love for you, always forever
Just you and me, all else is nothing
Not going back, not going back there
They don‘t understand,
They don‘t understand us

Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

Nothing can stop this, noy now I love you
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
Nothing can stop this, noy now I love you
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us
They‘re not gonna get us

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