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Минусовка I Am Still Alive


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.05 Mb 3:05

Текст песни I Am Still Alive (TWiiNS):

No, nothing can touch me, I've seen what I can be
Lonely I've walked through the fire, but I'm still alive
(No, nothing can touch me, I've seen what I can be)
I'm still alive
(Lonely I've walked through the fire)

Would you climb up a mountain?
Would you battle the ocean?
Would you give this to lose it all?

I believe in my life and try to learn every lesson
Now I see what I've fighted for
When the road's not too wide (Not too wide)
Then trust the heart never lies (Heart never lies)

No, nothing can touch me, I've seen what I can be
Lonely I've walked through the fire, but I'm still alive
(No, nothing can touch me, I've seen what I can be)
I'm still alive
(Lonely I've walked through the fire)

If you lost all meaning, no more truth to believe in
Will the light inside be great?
But if you shine like a diamond,
Don't get caught in the moment
Never letting your prayers slip away

When the road's not too wide (Not too wide)
Then trust the heart never lies (Heart never lies)

No, nothing can touch me, I've seen what I can be
Lonely I've walked through the fire, but I'm still alive

(No, nothing can touch me)
(I've seen what I can be) I'm still alive
(Lonely I've walked through the fire)

(No, nothing can touch me) Nothing can touch me
(I've seen what I can be) No no no no no
(Lonely I've walked through the fire) I'm still alive

(No, nothing can touch me) I'm still alive
(I've seen what I can be) I feel alive
(Lonely I've walked through the fire)

(No, nothing can touch me) I'm still alive
(I've seen what I can be) I'm still alive
(Lonely I've walked through the fire) But I'm still alive 

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