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Минусовка Rockin the Beer Gut

Trailer Choir

MP3 215 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.75 Mb 3:05

Текст песни Rockin the Beer Gut (Trailer Choir):

There's a million different types of girls all around the world and they're all so beautiful
No one knows any better than me 'cuz I stare so constantly
But I think I met my match last night at the club, she was sippin' on a Bud, hangin' with her friends on a Friday night

5 foot something, cherry bomb she had everything going on
The first thing that caught my eye
She was rockin' the beer gut and I love the way she's not ashamed
Rockin' the beer gut well it's just some extra love around her waist
Rockin' the beer gut she's more than hot, she's everything and with the blue jeans a little tight around her butt
Rockin' the beer gut
Well Toby Keith never looked so good hanging out right there on the front of her black t-shirt
As I walked up to the bar and said, "Can I buy you a drink girl?"
She spun me around and grabbed my hand and said, "First things first we're gonna dance, if you can cut a rug boy
After that, well you can."

5 foot something, cherry bomb she had everything going on
The first thing that caught my eye
She was rockin' the beer gut and I love the way she's not ashamed
Rockin' the beer gut well it's just some extra love around her waist
Rockin' the beer gut she's more than hot, she's everything and with the blue jeans a little tight around her butt
Pretty little girl's, rockin' the beer gut

5 foot something, cherry bomb she had everything going on
The first thing that caught my eye
She was rockin' the beer gut and I love the way she's not ashamed
Rockin' the beer gut well it's just some extra love around her waist
Rockin' the beer gut she's more than hot, she's everything and with the blue jeans a little tight around her butt
Pretty little girl's rockin' the beer gut

Rockin' the beer gut
Rockin' the beer gut

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