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Минусовка Ladies Love Country Boys

Trace Adkins

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.55 Mb 4:02

Текст песни Ladies Love Country Boys (Trace Adkins):

She grew up in the city in a little subdivision
Her daddy wore a tie, mama never fried a chicken
Ballet, straight-As, most likely to succeed
They bought her a car after graduation
Sent her down South for some higher education
Put her on the fast track to a law degree

Now she's coming home to visit
Holding the hand of a wild-eyed boy with a farmers tan

And she's riding in the middle of his pickup truck
Blaring Charlie Daniels, yelling Turn it up!
They raised her up a lady but there's one thing
They couldnt avoid
Ladies love country boys

You Know it's true

Now, you know mamas and daddies want better for their daughters
Hope they'll settle down with a doctor or a lawyer
And their uptown, ball gown, hand-me-down royalty

They never understand why their princess falls
For some camouflage britches and a southern-boy-drawl

Or why she's riding in the middle of a pickup truck
Blaring Hank Jr., yelling Turn it up!
They raised her up a lady but there's one thing
They couldnt avoid
Ladies love country boys

You can train em, you can try to teach em
Right from wrong but it's still gonna turn em on

When they go riding in the middle of a pickup truck
Blaring Lynyrd Skynyrd, yelling "Turn it up!"
You can raise her up a lady but there's one thing
You just can't avoid
Ladies love country boys

They love us country boys

They say, Country thang, yall

They love us country boys, yeah

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