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Минусовка Honky Tonk U

Toby Keith

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.47 Mb 3:47

Текст песни Honky Tonk U (Toby Keith):

My grandmother owned a nightclub on the arkansas-okahoma line
momma put me on a greyhound, and i went
to stay with her in the summertime
i'd box up those empty longnecks and stack'em in the back and make
a hand
then at night she'd let me sneak out of the kitchen and sit in with the band
yes, i have sacked some quarterbacks and broke my share of bones along the way
i knew it wouldnt
last forever, semi-pro always means semi-paid
i started climbin' drillin' rig, im oil field trash and
proud as i can be
then i took my songs and guitar and sang'em to a man from tennesse

i've played every beer joint tavern from new york city out to pasadena
every corn dog fair and rodeo
and sold out every basketball arena
i like to get down with my boys in afghanistan and baghdad city
i am a red, white and blue blood graduate of honkytonk U

a star can't burn forever, and the brightest ones will someday lose their shine
but the glass wont
ever be half empty in my optimistic mind
i'll still have a song to sing and a band to turn it up and
play it loud
as long as there's a bar room with a corner stage and a honkytonk crowd

ive played every beer joint tavern from new york city out to pasadena
every corn dog fair and rodeo
and sold out ever basketball arena
i like to get down with my boys in afghanistan and baghdad city
son im a red, white, and blue blood graduate of honkytonk U
that's right a red, white, and blue
blood graduate of honkytonk U 

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