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Минусовка A Little Less Talk and A Lot More Action

Toby Keith

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.81 Mb 3:03

Текст песни A Little Less Talk and A Lot More Action (Toby Keith):

Toby Keith - A Little Less Talk A Lot More Action
A.   Intro-4
Wel I was getting kind a tired of her endless chatter
Nothing I could say ever seemed to matter
So I took a little drive just to clear my head
I saw a flashing neon up ahead
It looked like a place to find some satisfaction
With a little less talk and a lot more action
I paid the man at the door / and pushed my way to the bar
I Shouted for a drink over a screaming guitar
A drunk on a stool tried to mess with my head
But I didn't even listen to a word he said
I knew somewhere amid all this distraction
Was a little less talk and a lot more action

R. A little less talk / if you please
     A lot more loving  is-a  what I need
     Let's get on down to the main attraction
     With a little less talk and a lot more action
Well she was fighting them off / at a corner table
She had a longneck bottle she was peeling the label
The look on her face / it was perfectly clear
She said somebody please get me out of here
The look she shot me   through the glass refraction
Said a little less talk and a lot more action
A little less talk
A lot more action  
Let's get on down to the main attraction  ----2
With a little less talk and a lot more action

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