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Минусовка Come along 2


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.36 Mb 3:40

Текст песни Come along 2 (Titiyo):

Play with it while you have hands
Dust settles, cities turn to sand

Trespassing this is their land
Time flies, make a statement, take a stand

Come along now
Come along with me
Come along now
Come along and you'll see
What it's like to be free

Come along
Come along with me
Come along now
Come along and you'll see what it's like to be free

Come along now
Come along with me
And I'll ease your pain
Come along
Come along with me
And let's seize this day
Come along, come along with me
Oh, come along with me

Stay out stay clear but stay close
Friends, foes, God only knows
Lets be the thorn on the rose
Time flies, make a statement, strike a pose

Come along now
Come along with me
Come along now
Come along and you'll see
What it's like to be free

Come along
Come along with me
Come along now
Come along and you'll see what it's like to be free

Come along now
Come along with me
And I'll ease your pain
Come along
Come along with me
And let's seize this day
Oh, Come along with me

Time flies, make a statement, take a stand x 3
Time flies, take your chance

Come along....

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