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Минусовка Maybe We Should Just Sleep On It

Tim McGraw

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.93 Mb 4:17

Текст песни Maybe We Should Just Sleep On It (Tim McGraw):

Maybe We Should Just Sleep On It
I got an empty feelin' when that moving van pulled up
It got a whole lot emptier as I watched them fill that truck
And when they carried out your clothes It took my breath away
Now they're headed for that bed
The thought keeps runnin' though my head

Baby, maybe, we should just sleep on it tonight
And give our hearts just one more chance to change our minds
I could be wrong but goodbye just don't feel right
So baby, maybe, we should just sleep on it tonight

I'll pay them boys to stop right now
And leave that truck out on the curb
The TV and the phone's packed up
So we won't be disturbed
There's not a light left in this room Just a shadow of a doubt
So let's make sure we don't give up
Before we've thought this through enough

Repeat Chorus

Baby, maybe, we should just sleep on it tonight
And give our hearts just one more chance to change our minds
I could be wrong but goodbye just don't feel right
So baby, maybe Baby, maybe Baby, maybe
We should just sleep on it

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