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Минусовка October And April

The Rasmus

MP3 158 kBit/s 48000 Hz 4.34 Mb 3:51

Текст песни October And April (The Rasmus):

She was like April sky,
Sunrise in her eyes
Child of light, shining star, fire in her heart
Brightest day melting snow
Breaking through the chill
October and April

He was like frozen sky
In October night
Darkest cloud, endless storm,
Raining from his heart
Coldest moon, deepest blue,
Tearing down the spring
October and April

Like hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start
Like light and dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start

We were like loaded guns
Sacrificed our lives
We were like love undone
Craving to entwine
Fatal touch
Final thrill
Love was bound to kill
October and April

Like hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start
Like light and dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start

Hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start
Light and Dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start

October and April
October and April
October and April 

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