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Минусовка Sticks And Stones

The Pierces

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.34 Mb 3:12

Текст песни Sticks And Stones (The Pierces):

Hey domino, I am stopping you from falling.
1-2-3, Don't you dare go down!
Hey waterfall, Oh can you hear me calling.
3-2-1, don't you dare touch the ground

I'm the one you want [4x]

Sticks and stones will break your bones
And leave them lying in the mud
But you'll be scared when we're alone
Like I might suck your blood.
And I could tell you a witch's spell
But it just might blow your top
And you start to run
Just as I'm having fun.
It's awfully hard to stop.
It's awfully hard to stop.

Sun in the sky, I ain't stopping you from burning
All we need is stars and moon
Clock on the wall,
I will keep your hands from turning
Or this night will end too soon.

I'm the one you want [4x]

Sticks and stones will break your bones
And leave them lying in the mud,
But you'll be scared when we're alone
Like I might suck your blood.
And I could tell you a witch's spell
But it just might blow your top
And you start to run
Just as I'm having fun.
It's awfully hard to stop.
It's awfully hard to stop.
It's just too hard to stop.

I call thee, beloved one
To love me more than anyone.
Seven times I pierce my heart
And now you feel the magic start
Bind thy heart and soul to me
As I do will.
So let it be...

Hey lover boy, oh now do you believe me?
That's not all that I can do.
Sit back down, I'm afraid we won't be leaving,
Can't undo my spell on you.

I'm the one you want.

Sticks and stones will break your bones
And leave them lying in the mud
But you'll be scared when we're alone
Like I might suck your blood.
And I could tell you a witch's spell
But it just might blow your top
And you start to run
Just as I'm having fun.
It's awfully hard to stop.

Sticks and stones will break your bones
And leave them lying in the mud
But you'll be scared when we're alone
Like I might suck your blood.
And I could tell you a witch's spell
But it just might blow your top
And you start to run
Just as I'm having fun.
It's awfully hard to stop.
It's awfully hard to stop.
It's just too hard to stop.
I don't think I can stop.

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