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Минусовка Ridin Out The Heartache

Tanya Tucker

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.56 Mb 3:53

Текст песни Ridin Out The Heartache (Tanya Tucker):

(Stephony Smith/Cathy Majeski/Sunny Russ)

Sixty six Chevrolet
Windshield full of rain
Four wheels that I can trust to take me outta here
Truck stop in Buffalo
Fueled up and food to go
One lonely trucker said he had to bend my ear
Hey there, where you headed?
I told him I don't really know

I'm just ridin' out the heartache
It's doesn't matter how long it takes
I'm just a couple thousand miles away
From gettin' his memory outta my mind
And when this storm is over I'll be fine
Oh, but until that day
I'm ridin' out the heartache

No need to read the signs
Not keepin' track of time
Maybe a new direction's gonna change my luck
Turned around and heard south
Feel a little better now
Seems like those old gray clouds they may be breakin' up
He was my only reason
The one thing keepin' me around

I'm just ridin' out the heartache
It's doesn't matter how long it takes
I'm just a couple thousand miles away
From gettin' his memory outta my mind
And when this storm is over I'll be fine
Oh, but until that day
I'm ridin' out the heartache

I'm just ridin' out the heartache
It's doesn't matter how long it takes
I'm just a couple thousand miles away
From gettin' his memory outta my mind
And when this storm is over I'll be fine
Oh, but until that day
I'm ridin' out the heartache

Until that day. I'm ridin' out the heartache.
Until that day. I'm ridin' out the heartache.

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