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Минусовка Jamestown Ferry

Tanya Tucker

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.25 Mb 3:33

Текст песни Jamestown Ferry (Tanya Tucker):

(Robert Borchers/Mack Vickery)

He just caught the Jamestown Ferry,
It's not a hot day in January,
Like he said it'd be if he ever left me.
A case of gone was all he carried,
As he got on the Jamestown Ferry,
And he said that gone was all he'd ever be.

I didn't think that he'd leave me,
After sayin' how much he needs me.
But the fact still remains I'm sittin' here all alone.
Missin' the lovin' of my baby, Lord, it's bout to drive me crazy.
He was the sweetest piece of heaven I've ever known.

He just caught the Jamestown Ferry,
It's not a hot day in January,
Like he said it'd be if he ever left me.
A case of gone was all he carried,
As he got on the Jamestown Ferry,
And he said that gone was all he'd ever be.

As I walk through his kingdom,
Of honky tonks and bars,
Well, I remember how he'd hold me and comfort me with talk.
He didn't cuss with every breath, he had a soothing Southern drawl,
He made me feel like a lady through it all.

He just caught the Jamestown Ferry,
It's not a hot day in January,
Like he said it'd be if he ever left me.
A case of gone was all he carried,
As he got on the Jamestown Ferry,
And he said that gone was all he'd ever be.

He just caught the Jamestown Ferry,
It's not a hot day in January,
Like he said it'd be if he ever left me.
A case of gone was all he carried,
As he got on the Jamestown Ferry,
And he said that gone was all he'd ever be.

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