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Минусовка Devil Gate Drive

Suzi Quatro

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.39 Mb 3:42

Текст песни Devil Gate Drive (Suzi Quatro):

Well at the age of five they can do their jive
down in Devil Gate Drive.
And at the age of six they‘re gonna get their kicks
down in Devil Gate Drive.
Well your mama don‘t know where your sister done go
she gone down to the drive she‘s the start of the show
and let her move on up
let her come let her go
she can jive.

Down in Devil Gate Drive
So come alive
come alive

down in Devil Gate Drive
So come alive
come alive

down in Devil Gate
down in Devil Gate
down in Devil Gate Drive.
Down in Devil Gate
down in Devil Gate
down in Devil Gate Drive.

When they reach their teens that‘s when they all get mean
down in Devil Gate Drive

When I was sweet sixteen I was the juke box queen
down in Devil Gate Drive.
I led the angel pack on the road to sin
knock down the gates let me in
let me in

don‘t mess me round
‘cause you know where 1‘ ve been to the dive.

Down in Devil Gate Drive . . .

Ooh come alive
come alive
come alive
Well your Mama don‘t know where your sister done go
she gone down to the drive she‘s the start of the show
and let her move on up
let her come let her go
she can )lve.
Down in Devil Gate drive . . .

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