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Минусовка Can The Can

Suzi Quatro

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.17 Mb 3:34

Текст песни Can The Can (Suzi Quatro):

Well you call your mamma tiger
And we all know you are lying
And your boyfriend's name is eagle
And he lives up in the sky (high high)
Watch out the tiger don't go claw the eagle's eye
But let the eagle take the tiger by surprise
Scratch out her eyes

So make a stand for your man, honey
Try to can the can
Put your man in the can, honey
Get him while you can
Can the can
Can the can
If you can
Well can the can

Well your sister's got the feline touch, she touches up your mind
And your eagle lover likes his little bit of evil loving all the time
Don't let the cat get into the eagle's nest at night
Because the eagle could say "yes" without a fight
Scratch out her eyes

So make a stand for your man, honey
Try to can the can
Put your man in the can, honey
Get him while you can
Can the can Can the can
If you can
Well can the can

Ooh can the can (Can the can honey)
Ooh can the can (Can the can honey)
Uh uh can the can (Can the can honey)
Ooh can the can (Can the can honey)
Ooh can the can (Can the can honey)
Ooh can the can (Can the can honey)
Honey, honey
Honey, honey, honey
Make a stand for your man, honey
Try to can the can
Put your man in the can, honey
Get him while you can
Can the can
Can the can
If you can
Make a stand for your man, honey
Try to can the can
Put your man in the can, honey
Get him while you can
Can the can
Can the can
If you can
Make a stand for your man

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