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Минусовка Lord Is It Mine


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 9.52 Mb 4:09

Текст песни Lord Is It Mine (Supertramp):

I know that there's a reason why
I need to be alone
You shown me there's a silent place
That I can call
My own
Is it mine, Lord is it mine?
You know I get so weary from the
Battles in this
And many times it seems like you're
The only hope
In sight
Is it mine, Lord is it mine?

When everything's dark and nothing seems right,
There's nothing to win and there's
No need to fight

I never cease to wonder at the cruelty
Of this land
But it seems a time of sadness is a time to
Is it mine, Lord is it mine?

When everything's dark and nothing seems right,
You don't have to win and there's
No need to fight

If only I could find a way
To feel your sweetness through the day
The love that shines around me could be mine.
So give us an answer, won't you,
We know what we have to do,
There must be a thousand voices trying to get

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