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Минусовка World Of Today 6


MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.54 Mb 4:07

Текст песни World Of Today 6 (Supermax):

World of today 
Mama's in the kitchen takin' funky bread Papa's in the livin' room the newspaper already read baby lyin' in the bedpants down pissed on all his legs and I'm still wondering if this world is already dead Chorus: Tell me what's (tell me what's) gonna happen to the world today Tell me what's (tell me what's) gonna happen to the world today Tell me what's(just tell me what's) gonna happen today Brother's down in the pool room shootin' a game of pool Sister's out in the street corner tryin' to be so cool The dog is out in the front yard playin' with a ball I'm not tryin' to hurt you I'm only tryin' to school you all Chorus (x2) The world is full of pollution and that's one thing I don't agree can't you see it's just a batch of lies billy-round phylosophy (billy=полицейская дубинка) Little children takin' pills or smoke a joint or two (joint="косяк") this world's become a mess 'cause Mister Pull is doing it too (pull=блат, связи) Chorus

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