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Минусовка Rainbows and pots of gold


MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.57 Mb 4:08

Текст песни Rainbows and pots of gold (Stereophonics):

I heard you're doing well
Selling art and everything
I like your stuff; good for you
I'll buy a piece or maybe two.

Do you ever think of me?
Do you remember all our stupid dreams?
Rainbows and pots of gold
So much to prove before we got old.

I took your places round the world
I miss your face sometimes you know
You took my picture a thousand times
I'll buy them back; I don't mind.

I lost my way but found my track
I'm sorry if I never listened back
I've been round; I've been up and down
And you missed the one we dressed like clowns.

And how's your car and how's your life?
How's my friend? when's she gonna be your wife?
I'm sitting up writing down
All these things I sometimes dream about.

I knew your number off by heart
It's the only one I like to talk
It wasn't me using you
I trusted you; one of the few.

And we had some laughs; had some rows
But in the end the walls came down
You'd like the place I'm living now
It's a shame you can't come around.

And I've grown a lot since we last spoke
Got myself together; fixed what was broke
I wonder if we'll talk again
Or drink together just like then.

I suppose it's different now it's new
Whoever points the finger at whom
I really hope you're happy both of you
And maybe sometimes you miss me too.

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