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Минусовка Hello, Little Girl

Stephen Sondheim

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.42 Mb 2:38

Текст песни Hello, Little Girl (Stephen Sondheim):

Look at that flesh, pink and plump
Hello, little girl
Tender and fresh, not one lump
Hello, little girl

This one's especially lush
Delicious, mmm
Hello, little girl, what's your rush?

You're missing all the flowers
The sun won't set for hours
Take your time

Mother said, "Straight ahead"
Not to delay or be misled

But slow, little girl, hark and hush
The birds are singing sweetly
You'll miss the birds completely
You're traveling so fleetly
Grandmother first then Miss Plump
What a delectable couple
Utter perfection, one brittle, one supple
One moment, my dear

Mother said, "Come what may
Follow the path and never stray"

Just so, little girl, any path
So many worth exploring
Just one would be so boring
And look what you're ignoring

Think of those crisp aging bones
Then something fresh on the palate
Think of that scrumptious carnality

Twice in one day
There's no possible way
To describe what you feel
When you're talking to your meal

Mother said, "Not to stray"
Still I suppose, a small delay
Granny might like a fresh bouquet

Goodbye, Mr. Wolf
Goodbye, little girl and hello
Hello, oh, hello darling

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