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Минусовка Its Christmas Time

Status Quo

MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.7 Mb 4:12

Текст песни Its Christmas Time (Status Quo):

Another year's gone rock and rollin' by
Oh how time flies
It's funny but it seems like yesterday
I put the tinsel away

It's a time we can all look forward to
I like to feel the festive spirit don't you
When you switch on your lights and say

It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go underneath the mistletoe
Well it's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
Wake up wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be underneath the Christmas tree with me.

Do you wanna hear the sleighbells in the sun
It's not much fun try and build yourself a snowman
By the sea well it ain't gonna be

I'll be roasting chestnuts by the fire
Write a note with all my heart's desire
And let it burn all the way to Santa

It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go underneath the mistletoe
Well it's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
Wake up wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be underneath the Christmas tree with me.

It's a time we can all look forward to
I'd like to feel the festive spirit of you
When you switch on your lights and say

It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go underneath the mistletoe
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Wake up wake up and see the snow outside
And your presents will be underneath the Christmas tree

Ooh it's Christmas time

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