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Минусовка Female Of The Species


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.38 Mb 3:41

Текст песни Female Of The Species (Space):

A thousand thundering thrills await me
Facing insurmountable odds greatly
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male.
Shock shock horror horror, shock shock horror!
I'll shout myself hoarse for your supernatural force!
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male.
Oh, she deals in witchcraft and
One kiss and I'm zapped. Oh,
How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Frankenstein and Dracula have nothing on you
Jekyll and Hyde join the back of the queue
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male.
For she wants to conquer the world completely
But first she'll conquer me discreetly
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male.
Oh, she deals in witchcraft and
One kiss and I'm zapped. Oh,
How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?

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