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Минусовка I will Meet You at Midnig 3


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.82 Mb 3:30

Текст песни I will Meet You at Midnig 3 (Smokie):

A summer evening on The Champs Elyses
A secret rendezvous they planned for days
I see a faces in the crowded cafe
A sound of laughter as the music plays

Jeane-Claude is student of the University
Louise-Marie is just a world away
He recalled the night they met
Was warm with laughter
The words were music
As she turned away

I\'ll meet you at midnight
Under the moonlight
I\'ll meet you at midnight
But Jeane-Cloud,Louise-Marie
Will never be

Each cigarette would light a thousand faces
Each hour passing like a thousand years
Midnight was turning into empty spaces
The sound of laughter disappeard

I\'ll meet you at midnight
Under the moonlight
I\'ll meet you at midnight
But Jeane-Cloude,Louise-Marie
Will never be

A summer evening on the Champs Elysees
The empty tables of the street cafe
The sunlight melting through an open doorway
Jeane-Claude is left to face another day

I\'ll meet you at midnight
Under the moonlight
I\'ll meet you at midnight
But Jeane-Cloude,Louise-Marie
Will never be

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