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Минусовка Hes The Greatest Dancer

Sister Sledge

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.36 Mb 3:54

Текст песни Hes The Greatest Dancer (Sister Sledge):

Oh... what... wow ! He's the greatest dancer
Oh... what... wow ! That I've ever seen...
One night in a disco
On the outskirts of Frisco
I was cruisin with my favourite gang
The place was so boring
Filled with out-of-towners touring
I knew that it wasn't my thing
I really wasn't caring
But I felt my eyes staring
At a guy who stood out in the crowd
He had the kind of body
That would shame Adonis
And a face that would make any man cry

Oh... what... wow ! He's the greatest dancer
Oh... what... wow ! That I've ever seen...
The champion of dance
His moves would put you in a trance
And he never leaves the disco alone
Arrongance but not conceit
As a man who is complete
La crиme de la crиme
Please take me home
He wears the finest clothes
The best designers, heaven knows
Ooh, from his head down to his toes
Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci
He looks like a still
That man is dressed to kill
Oh... what... wow ! He's the greatest dancer
Oh... what... wow ! That I've ever seen...
I love your moves...

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