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Минусовка Beside You

Simply Red

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.31 Mb 4:42

Текст песни Beside You (Simply Red):

We follow the river down into the stream
that's where my dream began
i left my worries to the people who stare
and dream without a care

that i'd always be beside you to watch the day and night
and we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growing light
and peace will come inside
so quiet

whereever we're goin' i dont know
for million years our love keeps growin'
the mystery deepens day by day
but trust my love and hear me say

that i'll always be beside you to watch the day and night
and we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growing light
and peace will come inside
so quiet

and peace will come inside
so quiet

guess i'll always be beside you to watch the day and night
and we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growin' light
and peace will come inside
so quiet

yes peace will come inside
so quiet

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