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Минусовка History Repeating 2

Shirley Bassey

MP3 320 kBit/s 48000 Hz 9.28 Mb 4:03

Текст песни History Repeating 2 (Shirley Bassey):

The word is about, there's something evolving
Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
They say the next big thing is here
That the revolution's near
But to me it seems quite clear
That it's all just a little bit of history repeating

The newspaper shout: A new style is growing
But it don't know if it's coming or going
There is fashion, there is fab
Some is good, some is bad
And the joke is rather sad
That it's all just a little bit of history repeating

And I've seen it before
And I've seen it again
Yes, I've seen it before
Just little bits of history repeating

Some people won't dance if they don't know who's singing
Why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging
Life's for us to enjoy
Woman, man, girl and boy
Feel the pain, feel the joy
And sidestep the little bits of history repeating

Just little bits of history repeating

And I've seen it before
And I see it again
Yes, I've seen it before
Just little bits of history repeating

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