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Минусовка Drivin Into The Sun

Sherrie Austin

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.87 Mb 4:13

Текст песни Drivin Into The Sun (Sherrie Austin):

It was as if all the trees that late September
Couldn't bear to let go of their leaves
And I knew just how they felt
Was having trouble letting go myself
Cause love at seventeen

It's like driving into the sun
With no sunglasses on
It was shining just for us
And we knew that it would always be
But when I think about it now
Every sunrise must go down
Back then I thought you were the only one
It's funny what you can't see
Driving into the sun

It was the summer and time was in a hurry
And we couldn't grow up fast enough
And in the back seat of your car
I gave you more than just my heart
And we swore that it was love
It's like driving into the sun
With no sunglasses on
It was shining just for us
And we knew that it would always be
But when I think about it now
Every sunrise must go down
Back then I thought you were the only one
It's funny what you can't see
Driving into the sun

Oh you were such a beautiful mistake
What I wouldn't give to love again
Like I didn't know a heart could break

It's like driving into the sun
With no sunglasses on
It was shining just for us
And we knew that it would always be
But when I think about it now
Every sunrise must go down
Back then I thought you were the only one
It's funny what you can't see
Driving into the sun

Oh... It's funny what you can't see
Driving into the sun

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