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Минусовка Somewhere In The Vicinity Of The Heart


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.01 Mb 4:22

Текст песни Somewhere In The Vicinity Of The Heart (Shenandoah):

Thousand miles of lonesome highway
Drinking gallons of coffee in a little cafe
Brought me here, and it's so good
To find there's someone who's got

The same story as mine
Just look at us, we're a couple hard cases
So how'd we end up where we are?

Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart
I feel somethin' hittin' me awful hard
I don't know where it's callin' me
Well I just know it starts
Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart

Been so long, I can't believe I'd get somethin' so sweet
Where an ache used to be, don't fall
If love anymore but I'd never met anyone like you before
Stay here with me for a couple more weeks
I think there's somethin' goin' on

Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart
I feel somethin' hittin' me awful hard
Don't know where it's callin' me
I just know it starts
Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart

Well, it sure took a while to find it
It's been waiting there all this time

Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart
I feel somethin' hittin' me awful hard
Don't know where it's callin' me
Well, I just know it starts
Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart
Somewhere in the vicinity of the heart

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