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Минусовка If Bubba Can Dance (I Can To)


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.73 Mb 2:58

Текст песни If Bubba Can Dance (I Can To) (Shenandoah):

Well, he saw it on t.v
And ordered that video
He learned every step at home
And never told a soul
When I saw him out there the very first time, I knew
Well, if Bubba can dance
Well, I can too

Well if Bubba can scoot
Bubba can slide
Bubba can two-step
And Bubba can glide
I never thought he had the nerve
He never said a word
Well, everybody in the place stand back
And give me some room
Cause if Bubba can dance
I can too

Now I've been watchin all night
And I'm workin my courage up
Hey that dudes on the floor
And he's doin all the latest stuff
Well if he's brave enough
Then I know what I've gotta do
Well, if Bubba can dance
I can too

Well, if Bubba can scoot
Bubba can slide
Bubba can two-step
And Bubba can glide
I never thought he had the nerve
He never said a word
Well, everybody in the place stand back
And give me some room
Cause if Bubba can dance
I can too

Well, if Bubba can dance
I can too

Well, if Bubba can dance
I can too

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