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Минусовка Green door

Shakin Stevens

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.45 Mb 3:14

Текст песни Green door (Shakin Stevens):

Midnight, one more night without sleepin
 Watchin till the mornin comes creepin
 Green door, whats that secret youre keepin?

 Theres an old piano And they play it hot
 behind the green door
 Dont know what theyre doin But they laugh a lot
 behind the green door
 Wish theyd let me in So I could find out whats
 behind the green door

 Knocked once, tried to tell them Id been there,
 Door slammed, hospitalitys thin there
 Wonder just whats goin on in there

 Saw an eyeball peepin, Through a smoky cloud
 behind the green door,
 When I said "Joe sent me" Someone laughed out loud
 behind the green door
 All I want to do is join the happy crowd
 behind the green door

 Midnight, one more night without sleepin
 Watchin till the mornin comes creepin
 Green door, whats that secret youre keepin?

 Theres an old piano And they play it hot
 behind the green door
 Dont know what theyre doin But they laugh a lot
 behind the green door
 Wish theyd let me in So I could find out whats
 behind the green door
 Saw an eyeball peepin Through a smoky cloud
 behind the green door
 When I said "Joe sent me" Someone laughed out loud
 behind the green door
 All I want to do is join the happy crowd
 behind the green door
 Wish theyd let me in So I could find out whats
 behind the green door...

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