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Минусовка Last Dance, The Hustle


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.68 Mb 4:01

Текст песни Last Dance, The Hustle (Selena):

Last dance the last dance for love
Yes, it's my last chance for romance tonight
I need you by me beside me to guide me
To hold me to scold me
Cause when I'm bad
I'm so so bad
So let's dance the last dance
So let's dance the last dance
So let's dance the last dance tonight
Let's dance the last dance for love (yeah)
Yes, it's my last chance for romance tonight
I need you by me beside me to guide me
To hold me to scold me
Cause when I'm bad
I'm so so bad
So let's dance the last dance
So let's dance the last dance
So let's dance the last dance tonight
Do the hustle (woo)
(Instrumental Break) (Trumpet Solo)
Break it down, let me here some grito!
(Drum Solo)
Someone found the letter you wrote me on the radio (radio)
And it said exactly how you felt (you felt)
It must of fallen out of a hole in your old brown overcoat
It never said your name, but I knew who they meant
I was so surprised and shocked and I wondered too (wondered too)
If by chance you heard for yourself (yourself)
I never told a soul just how I've been feeling over you
But they said it really loud, they said it on the air
On the radio
On the radio
On the radio
On the radio
On the radio

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