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Минусовка They Say

Scars On Broadway

MP3 192 kBit/s 32000 Hz 3.99 Mb 2:54

Текст песни They Say (Scars On Broadway):

I walked the line, the line I choose
I see the people in front of me
I climbed the wall, the wall of news
I watched them show the tragedy

If you were me, could you defend
The given rights to all the men?
Let's fuck the world with all it's trend
They say it's all about to end...

They say it's all about to end...
They say, they say...

There's a prison that's gone, but the fear lives on
I watched you walking on the dotted line
Maybe you don't see what's in front of me
Maybe you won't stand the test of time
For we live in sin, for we will win
I watched the president kiss his family
For we live in sin, for we will win
I watched the president fuck society

If you were me, could you defend
The given rights to all the men?
Let's fuck the world with all it's trend
They say it's all about to end...

They say it's all about to end...
They say, they say...

I fall in love with the old times
I never mention my own mind
Let's fuck the world with all it's trend
Thank god, it's all about to end...

They say it's all about to end...
They say, they say...
They say, they say...
They say it's all about to end

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