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Минусовка Madam Guillotine

Scarlet Pimpernel

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.09 Mb 3:06

Текст песни Madam Guillotine (Scarlet Pimpernel):

know the gutter and I know the stink of the street
Kicked like a dog, I have spat out the bile of defeat
All you beauties who towered above me
You who gave me the smack of your rod
Now I give you the gutter
I give you the judgement of God!

Vengeance victorious
These are the glorious days
Women of Paris, come gather your bloody buquets!
Now gaze on our goddess of justice
With her shimmering, glimmering blade
As she kisses these traitors she sings them a last serenade

Sing, swing
Savour the sting
As she severs you, Madame Guillotine
Slice, come paradise
You'll be smitten with Madame Guillotine

The world may be ugly, but each man must do what he must
Give in pretty dear, in a year you will be pretty dust
Now come let our lady possess you
In her breathtaking, hair-raising bed
She will tingle your spine
As she captures your heart and your head

Sing, swing
Savour the sting
As she severs you, Madame Guillotine
Slice, come paradise
Our Delilah will shave you razor clean

God, when did man lose his reason?
Save us, my God, if you're there
God, can you not feel the terror like a fire in the air?

Flash, slash! Glisten and gash!
She will ravash you, Madame Guillotine
Split, Madame just bit
Give her more to bite, she's a hungry queen
Sing, savour the sting
As she severs you, Madame Guillotine
Slice, come paradise
Hail her Majesty!
Madame Guillotine!

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