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Минусовка Animal Song

Savage Garden

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.29 Mb 4:41

Текст песни Animal Song (Savage Garden):

When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head
And television freak show cops and robbers everywhere
Subway makes me nervous, people pushing me too far
I've got to break away
So take my hand now

Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
With the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet

I don't have any difficulties keeping to myself
Feelings and emotions better left up on the shelf
Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide

Compassion in the jungle
Compassion in your hands, yeah, yeah
Would you like to make a run for it
Would you like to take my hand, yeah, yeah

Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
With the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet

Sometimes this life can get you down
It's so confusing
There's so many rules to follow
And I feel it
Cause I just run away in my mind

Superstars and cannonballs are running through your head
Television freak show cops and robbers everywhere
Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide 

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