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Минусовка Viva la dance


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.21 Mb 2:43

Текст песни Viva la dance (Sarlote):

Why have the winds fallen silent again? 
And the clocks keep on running so fast? 
(tick tock, tick tock, tick tock) 
Come to the side of the sun that I know 
And just get ready to dance 
The password to life is Viva La Dance 
And the world – as a minuet old 
Turning like this and showing us how 
Dance, dance to this - you behold 
The password to life is Viva La Dance 
And the world – as a minuet old 
Whether you have a lot or nothing at all 
Dance, dance and dance - you are told 
Why have the bells stopped tolling again? 
And the hearts started beating so fast? 
(pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat) 
Come to the side of the sun that I know 
While the day is still flowing on past 
The password to life is Viva La Dance 
And the world – as a minuet old 
Turning like this and showing us how 
Dance, dance to this - you behold 
The password to life is Viva La Dance 
And the world – as a minuet old 
Whether you have a lot, or nothing at all 
Dance, dance, dance - you are told 
Na na na na na na na na na na 
Dance, dance along, dance till the morning light 
Dance till the morning light 
Dance till the morning light 
Viva La Dance!

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