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Минусовка I Find The Way

Roger Meno

MP3 320 kBit/s 48000 Hz 14.09 Mb 6:09

Текст песни I Find The Way (Roger Meno):

Sometimes I lay down and close my eyes,
Thinking about you and me,
I often feel we can't go on,
We fall out of harmony.

There is too much,
To be changed I know,
But I don't want,
You to go…

I love you and I find the way,
Cause you have to stay,
Take me back in your arms again,
You feel it's no game.

Nobody else could ever take your place,
Cause you're a lover, you're a friend,
And you mean more than the world to me,
All we've been through, can't you see?

I love you and I find the way,
Cause you have to stay,
Take me back in your arms again,
You feel it's no game.

I find it hard to sleep tonight,
Jealousy is running bright.

There is too much,
To be changed I know,
But I don't want,
You to go…

I love you and I find the way,
Cause you have to stay,
Take me back in your arms again,
You feel it's no game.

Nobody else could ever take your place,
Cause you're a lover, you're a friend,
And you mean more than the world to me,
All we've been through, can't you see?

I love you and I find the way,
Cause you have to stay,
Take me back in your arms again,
You feel it's no game.

Nobody else could ever take your place,
Cause you're a lover, you're a friend,
And you mean more than the world to me,
All we've been through, can't you see?

I love you and I find the way,
Cause you have to stay,
Take me back in your arms again,
You feel it's no game.

Nobody else could ever take your place,
Cause you're a lover, you're a friend,
And you mean more than the world to me,
All we've been through, can't you see?

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