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Минусовка I Believe

Robert Plant

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.38 Mb 4:47

Текст песни I Believe (Robert Plant):

Tears, tears at the water's edge
Hey little sister, there is laughter instead
Tears for the teacher, from the eyes, from the soul
This restless spirit takes a long way back home
Like the wind, you are free
Just a whisper - I hear you, so talk to me

Oh, I believe, eye to eye
Say brother, sisters, see your brothers in the sky
Neighbour, neighbour, don't be so cold
It's only glory from the story I'm told

I believe, eye to eye
Say brothers, sister, see your brothers in the sky
Neighbour, neighbour, don't be so cold
It's so much glory from the story untold

Big fire, on top of the hill
A hopeless gesture, and last farewell
Tears from your mother, from the pits of her soul
Look at your father, see his blood run cold
Like the wind, you are free
Just a whisper - I hear you, so talk to me

I believe, eye to eye
Say brothers, sister, see your brothers in the sky
Neighbour, neighbour, don't be so cold
With so much glory from the story untold

I believe, eye to eye
Say brother, sisters, see your brothers in the sky
Neighbour, neighbour, don't be so cold
It's so much glory from the story untold 

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