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Минусовка Whoevers In New England

Reba McEntire

MP3 160 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.18 Mb 3:39

Текст песни Whoevers In New England (Reba McEntire):

(kendal franceschi/quentin powers)

You spend an awful lot of time in massachutes
Seems like every other week youve got a meeting waiting there
Business must be booming or could something else
Be moving in the air up there

You say that it's important for our future
An executive on his way up has got to play the part
Each time duty calls you got to give it all
Youve got with all your heart

When whoevers in new england is through with you
And boston finds better things to do
You know it's not too late cause you'll always have a place to go
When whoevers in new englands through with you

I hear the winter time up north can last forever
Ive been told it's beautiful to see this time of year
They say the snow can blind you till the world you left behind
Just disappears I hear

I packed your bags and left them in the hallway
But before you leave again there's just one thing you outta know
When the icy winds blow through you remember that it's me
Who feels the cold most of all

When whoevers in new england is through with you
And boston finds better things to do
You know it's not too late cause you'll always have a place to go
When whoevers in new englands through with you

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