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Минусовка Through The Eyes Of A Child


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.76 Mb 3:49

Текст песни Through The Eyes Of A Child (Reamonn):

"Through The Eyes Of A Child"

 Sweet innocent child, with your open eyes,
 you've seen us foul,
 we really are
 And I know that we will be tomorrow
 to the how can held this glory day?
 And I wish that this world will embrace you from magic stars and mystery.
 My open heart...

 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.
 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.

 I know you, I've seen your face before you brought me to this open door afraid to walk through
 Please take my hand
 And I know that they'll be tomorrow to their
 how can held this glory day?
 And I wish that this world will embrace you from magic stars and mystery.
 My open heart...

 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.
 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.

 I'll see where we'll go from here
 'cause love doesn't break with the right amount of care
 Your hands is whom
 You've chosen to be
 Live is a freedom
 Now go out and be free

 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.
 Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
 until we see it through the eyes of a child.

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