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Минусовка Lack Of Communication


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.87 Mb 4:13

Текст песни Lack Of Communication (Ratt):

Too many problems, the world can't solve
Too many people, no-one wants to be involved
(Lack of communication, back off)

Keep rearranging, it's all the same
Always saying, someone else is to blame
(Lack of communication, back off)
Look all around me, who's standin' tall
Hold tight, no-one's gonna answer your call
(Lack of communication, back off)
Put up our boundaries, we build our walls
It's alright, no-one's gonna change us at all
(Lack of communication, back off)


Time's passin' us by, we have our reason
No-one wants to try, we have our reason
Questions askin' why, we have our reason
Problems still arise, we have our reason... for

Back off !


You're so together, you fall apart
You never miss, when you're shootin' straight for the heart
(Lack of communication, back off)
You see it your way, I'll see it mine
Well, conversation is a useless change of line
(Lack of communication, back off)


(Lack of communication, back off)
Lack of communication
(Lack of communication, back off)
Well, back off, well, back off
(Lack of communication, back off)
In the age of the modern man
(Lack of communication, back off)
We see the problems, we don't really understand
(Lack of communication, back off)
Well, lack of communication
(Lack of communication, back off)
Well, lack of communication
(Lack of communication, back off)
Well, lack of communication
(Lack of communication, back off)
Lack of communication
(Lack of communication, back off)
Back off, well, back off...
(Lack of communication, back off) (repeat)

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