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Минусовка Long Slow Beautiful Dance

Rascal Flatts

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.11 Mb 4:29

Текст песни Long Slow Beautiful Dance (Rascal Flatts):

Gary] Sounds like a scene from the silver screen
[Gary] Yeah, that's how it was
[Jay] Love doesn't always look like a picture perfect storybook
[Jay] Ah, but sometimes it does
[Gary] Standing beside her the stars shined even brighter
[Gary] And for a moment all the world was, all the world was still
[Joe Don] I knew we belonged together the moment my eyes met hers
[Gary] And I thought nothing lasts forever, but maybe this one will

A deep breath and baby steps
That's how the whole thing starts
It's a long, slow, beautiful dance
To the beat of a heart

[Jay] The world starts to spin again, you learn things you didn't know then
[Jay] Feels like the bloom is off the rose
[Joe Don] But you weather a few storms and you pull out a few thorns

(Repeat Chorus)

[Jay] It's a long, slow, beautiful dance my friend

[Jay] The house is filled with so much love
[Jay] We've got more than enough for two
[Joe Don] So we've been thinking about having a baby
[Jay/Gary] I know it sounds crazy, but it seems like the natural thing to do

(Repeat Chorus)

It's a long slow
It's a long slow
It's a long slow


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