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Минусовка Sweet Dreams My L.A. Ex

Rachel Stevens

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.53 Mb 3:51

Текст песни Sweet Dreams My L.A. Ex (Rachel Stevens):

Hey, hang your red gloves up
'Cause there's nothing left to prove now
Hey, hang your red gloves up
Baby, no-one cares but you
What planet are you from
Accuse me of things that I never done
Listen to you carrying on
Cheating another love song

If I were in your shoes
I'd whisper before I shout
Can't you stop playing that record again
Find somebody else to talk about
If I were in your shoes
I'd worry of the effects
You've had your say but now it's my turn
Sweet dreams my L.A. Ex

We've had it on full steam
'Til the light comes back to you now
Hey, is it all it seems
Is it all you dreamed and more
What planet are you from
Accuse me of things that I never done
Listen to you carrying on
Cheating another love song

If I were in your shoes
I'd whisper before I shout
Can't you stop playing that record again
Find somebody else to talk about
If I were in your shoes
I'd worry of the effects
You've had your say but now it's my turn
Sweet dreams my L.A. Ex

Does it make you feel the man
Pointing the finger because you can
I spare it loud and clear
Baby, that tongues not welcome around here

You turned the city round (L.A. Ex)
Do you think I give a damn (L.A. Ex)
Do you think that I'm the fairer (S-E-X)
Sweet dreams my L.A. Ex

If I were in your shoes
I'd whisper before I shout
Can't you stop playing that record again
Find somebody else to talk about
If I were in your shoes
I'd worry of the effects
You've had your say but now it's my turn
Sweet dreams my L.A. Ex

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