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Минусовка The Invisible Man


MP3 160 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.85 Mb 4:14

Текст песни The Invisible Man (Queen):

I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
Incredible how you can
See right through me

Freddie Mercury
When you hear a sound
That you just can't place
Feel somethin' move
That you just can't trace
When something sits
On the end of your bed
Don't turn around
When you hear me tread

I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
Incredible how you can
See right through me
I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
It's criminal how I can
See right through you

John Deacon
And I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed
And I'm in your life
And I'm in your head
Like C.I.A.
Or the F.B.I.
You'll never get close
Never take me alive

I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
Incredible how you can
See right through me
I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
It's criminal how I can
See right through you
Hah, hah, hah, hello
Hah, hah, hah, o.k.
Hah, hah, hah, hello-hello-hello-hello
Never had a real good friend - not a boy or girl
No-one knows what I've been through - let my flag unfurl
So I make my mark from the edge of the world
From the edge of the world
From the edge of the world

Brian May - Brian May

Now I'm on your track
And I'm in your mind
And I'm on your back
But don't look behind
I'm your meanest thought
I'm your darkest fear
But I'll never get caught
You can't shake me, shake me dear

I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
Incredible how you can
See right through me
Watch me now
I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
It's criminal how I can
See right through you
Look at me, look at me
R-R-R-R-Roger Taylor
Shake me, shake me, shake me dear

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